(built in 1950 and furnished in 1951) |
The Senior alumni clubhouse started with a dream of the
class of '50 that culminated from a desire to leave some material thing behind
them in memory of their departing class. During that year, they talked about
the project, they made and received donations, they planned and improved on
their ideas and then, on the week before commence ment, a building of knotty
pine steadily rose from its foundations to take its place among the buildings
which form the school. On commencement day of 1950, the dedication services
were held before the completed clubhouse, a final realization that the dream of
the class of '50 was now in a tangible exist ence. But the projects was still in its finishing stages as the
next year and class rolled around. It became our project now, our project to
furnish and to manage for its first year. When the furniture from Its value stands not only in dollars and cents, but in importance to a class in that it brings about a closer class bond, a sense of common cause, and a desire of accomplishment and doing things together such as the dances, parties, impromptu meeting of the class, the nights of looking at the TV shows or listening to the radio or records, or playing cards and ex changing stories on everything that has happoned around the school, for all these things that we have done in the past year are what any class can look forward to with eagerness and leave behind with regrets, but be fully aware that those good times cannot and will not be easily forgotten. (from the 1951 Saber) |
Photograph by Tom Wheeler, '61
Picture from the late 1990's (Senior Club House was used as a storage shed, then burned down) Contributed by Mark A. Berger, KMI '67 |
Photographs by Hank Geary '62 Senior Club House Utility buildings (Some time in the late 1970s) |
photograph by John Stork, KMI
Senior Clubhouse . . .TODAY! |
Military Institute www.kmialumni.org Send e-mail to: kmimail@kmialumni.org Copyright © All rights reserved. |