"Special Pictures, Videos, and Personal Stories"

90 years ago, KMI changed Venice dramatically.pdf
A Snapshot in Time - Bob Briner - September 2012
A short photo retrospective of both KMI campuses, Lyndon and Venice, some old photos laced in, then a couple from a Venice all class reunion, then our KMI class of '68 gathering both last year here in Roswell and this year in Charleston, SC. (9 minutes)
Danielle has created a Flickr album where she’s posted all the pictures from the KMI Renaming dedication: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128847329@N02/
"Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus"
30 min video on Facebook
Notre Dame and KMI - by Cappy Gagnon
A Tribute To Cadets - by David Sorokoty '72
When did my first students all get so old?
By Tim M. Churchill (Coach & English instructor 1967-71)
Memories of KMI, 1962-1964
by P. Craig Tindall '64
by Terry Chisholm '63

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