Lyndon, KY
The varsity football team arrives
on campus the first of the month. The team endures 2 to 3 practice
sessions per day in order to get ready for the first game of the season.

The new cadet officers arrive
at the beginning of the week in which school is scheduled to begin (mid-Sept). These newly appointed officers attend
"Cadet Officer Training School" taught by the Military Department.
Old cadets arrive back on campus...
The 'Rats" (first year cadets) arrive mid-week
to endure two days of getting fitted for uniforms and shoes; receive
military haircuts; learning to close order drill (now which hand was your
left?); receive lectures on KMI policy and Military Spirit; finding your
way around campus.

Old cadets arrive and the new
cadet officers are commissioned by the PMS&T during evening Chapel
or early the next day before the first day of classes.

(1947 Saber)
"Mess Line"
Saturday brings the first "Louisville
leave" and the ride to town on the Louisville city bus. New cadets
experience all that the BIG city has to offer: the Savoy and the
Blue Boar!

The first Friday afternoon varsity football
games begin.
The C.O.'s have their first 11pm Friday
The following Friday, the senior's receive
their first Friday evening leave. |
"Is this anyway to stack a drawer?"
School work, the fundamentals
of rifle manual and marching, haircuts, demerits (sticks) & report
sheets, Beat Calls, Chapel & Vespers, supervised study hall, orderly
out, inspections in ranks & in your barrack room, Intramural competition.
"Let's see who can make the biggest explosion!"
New cadets soon learn of the "Dug out".
